MATLAB: How to plot a summation signal


i have a signal summation(exp(-(2t-n)^t)where n has values from -inf to inf. how can i plot this on matlab?

Best Answer

You might as well plot a blank plot.
For any given t, since n goes to infinity, there will be an n value for which (2*t-n) goes negative, leading to a negative number being taken to a power. As t is continuous, t is not going to be confined to the even integers, so (2*t-n)^t will become imaginary. Thus for any given t that is not an even integer, there is an n for which the summation will go imaginary.
Even when t happens to be an even integer, since n goes negative infinity to plus infinity, you can also see that the sum will go infinitely large.
Your plot would thus be infinite and complex everywhere except the even integers, and would be infinite and real at the even integers. I'm not sure how you were thinking to represent that?
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