MATLAB: How to plot a single vector value

averagingfilternoiseplotplottingsignal processingtime series

I am working on a set of two .lvm file which are basically the same but from repeated experiment. The time plot was generated and the vector values are 'a' and 'b' as shown below. When I try to average the data, in order to reduce noise, represented by 'y_average' below(I am hoping am correct),I couldn't convert the value I got(174.0020) back to signal plot.
Using "Plot(y_average)" return an empty plot. Can anyone show me the correct code to use or a better way of averaging set of same data taking simultaneously
>> a=plot(,4)) =174.0016
>> b=plot(,4)); =174.0023
>> y_average=(1/2)*(a+b)
y_average =
>> plot(y_average) : GENERATED EMPTY PLOT

Best Answer

The result of plot() is a handle graphics handle referencing the graphic.
y_average = mean([,4),,4), 2);
y_average = mean([get(a, 'YData'), get(b, 'YData')], 2);