MATLAB: How to plot a linear function in using for loop in matlab


hey guys, thankx in advance for help. i need your help, i have been working on plotting matlab graphs using for loop control structure, when ever i execute my code it is only plotting one dot. the idea is i want plot a strait line
here is my code(script) slope = input('\nEnter the slope:'); y_intercept = input('\nEnter the y_intercept:'); no_of_points = input('\nEnter no_of_points:'); [x,y] = findCoodinates(slope,y_intercept); plot(x,y, 'ko-'); xlabel('x-axis'); ylabel('y-axis'); legend('First Graph'); axis([0 20 -5 30])
here is the (function) function [x,y] = findCoodinates(x,y) for i = 1 x(i) = i; y = x(i)*m + c; end

Best Answer

You need to add ‘no_of_points’ as an argument to your ‘findCoodinates’ function. You also need to subscript ‘y’ in it, to return a vector rather than a single value.
slope = input('\nEnter the slope:');
y_intercept = input('\nEnter the y_intercept:');
no_of_points = input('\nEnter no_of_points:');
[x,y] = findCoodinates(slope,y_intercept,no_of_points);
plot(x,y, 'ko-');
legend('First Graph');
axis([0 20 -5 30])
% here is the (function)
function [x,y] = findCoodinates(m,b,no_of_points)
for i = 1:no_of_points
x(i) = i;
y(i) = x(i)*m + b;
With those changes, your code worked when I ran it.