MATLAB: How to plot a legend only for data points

data pointslegendMATLABpartial legend plot

Hello I try to plot a legend for different data points and get this error:
Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
Error in Robertson86 (line 57) h(i)=plot(xdata(in),ydata(in),'o','Color',cdata2(i,:)); But it does work with line plots and fills.
for i = 1:12
% plot a polygon
Poly = Robertson_zones_1986{i};
text(RobNumPos86(i,1),RobNumPos86(i,2),num2str(i),'Color',[0.3 0.3 0.3])
% check if data is inside this particular polygon
in= inpolygon(xdata,ydata,Poly(:,1),Poly(:,2));
legend(h,'1.Data type','2.Data type',....)

Best Answer

Your plot outputs multiple line handles. If that is not what you want, then you need to adjust the dimensions of xdata and ydata. If you want to plot multiple line objects in every iteration, then I suggest you store those values in a cell array: