MATLAB: How to plot a fit object without extrapolation

Curve Fitting Toolboxextrapolationplot fit objectplotting

Hi, I am looking for a way to plot a curve fit object but without the extrapolation at the beginning and the end of the curve. My code for the current graph is as follows:
% Fit
[Fit.(string).fitresult, Fit.(string).gof] = fit( xData1, yData1, ft, 'Normalize', 'on' );
hc(k) = plot(xData1, yData1, '.', 'Marker', markerlist(k),'MarkerEdgeColor',colorlist(k,:),'MarkerFaceColor',colorlist(k,:));
hold on
% Plot fit
ha = plot(Fit.(string).fitresult);
Which generates this figure:
Since the end line, especially for the red curve, is not right, I need to remove that part. Does anyone have a solution? Thanks in advance! Best regards, Katharina

Best Answer

You can pass 'XLim' into fitresult's plot to plot only over a specific range in x.
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