MATLAB: How to plot a dot array in Matlab

dot array plotting in matlab

I need to plot a array of black dots in matlab, it needs to be square array, all dots are uniformly spaced both horizontally and vertically. Also, I need to be able to adjust the size of each dot and to adjust the distance between every two dots in the code.
Thank you!

Best Answer

This should get you started:
xy = [1:14]*200;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(xy);
xyo = xy([4 11]);
plot(X, Y, '.k')
% hold on
% plot(X(:,[4 11]), Y(:,[4 11]), 'ok')
% plot(X([4 11],:), Y([4 11],:), 'ok')
% plot(X([4 11],[4 11]), Y([4 11],[4 11]), 'sr')
% hold off
axis square
I originally wrote this for a slightly different problem. I left the other plot commands in but commented out in case you want to add circles or squares around the dots. You can adjust the size of the dots with the MarkerSize option. You can adjust the number of dots and the distance between the dots by changing the characteristics of the xy line:
xy = [1:14]*200;
Experiment with it until you get the result you want.