MATLAB: How to plot a confusion matrix for a multi-class or non-binary classification problem

classificationconfusionmulticlassnonbinaryStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I want to make a plot similar to the confusion matrix created in the Classification Learner app. This can make a confusion matrix for a multi-class or non-binary classification problem. In addition, it can plot things such as a True Positive or False Negative rates.
How can I do this?

Best Answer

Similar to the binary or two-class problem, this can be done using the "plotconfusion" function. By default, this command will also plot the True Positive, False Negative, Positive Predictive, and False Discovery rates in they grey-colored boxes. Please refer to the following example:
targetsVector = [1 2 1 1 3 2]; % True classes
outputsVector = [1 3 1 2 3 1]; % Predicted classes
% Convert this data to a [numClasses x 6] matrix
targets = zeros(3,6);
outputs = zeros(3,6);
targetsIdx = sub2ind(size(targets), targetsVector, 1:6);
outputsIdx = sub2ind(size(outputs), outputsVector, 1:6);
targets(targetsIdx) = 1;
outputs(outputsIdx) = 1;
% Plot the confusion matrix for a 3-class problem
The class labels can be customized by setting that 'XTickLabel' and 'YTickLabel' properties of the axis:
h = gca;
h.XTickLabel = {'Class A','Class B','Class C',''};
h.YTickLabel = {'Class A','Class B','Class C',''};
h.YTickLabelRotation = 90;
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