MATLAB: How to plot a cfit/plot and mutliple datasets in one subplot within a for loop

cfit/plotfor loopholdMATLABplot

I have mutiple datasets that are ploted within a for loop in the same subplot of a figure.
nameIndexGears = fieldnames(struct)
for i = 1:length(nameIndexGears)
subplot 211
hold on
plot(struct.(nameIndexGears{i}).data, y) %Plots the data of 4 gears in one subplot

hold off
subplot 212
plot(a,b) % plots something else

I also want to plot a fit in the same subplot as the data.
fitresult_1 = fit (allGears, y, 'poly1') % allGears is a concatenated Vector of all gears
nameIndexGears = fieldnames(struct)
for i = 1:length(nameIndexGears)
subplot 211
hold on
plot(struct.(nameIndexGears{i}).data, y) %Plots the data of 4 gears in one subplot
plot(fitresult_1, 'predobs') % plots the fitresults with the predictionbounds
hold off
subplot 212
plot(a,b) % plots something else
Ploting the fitresult does work, but sadly the ploting of the gears does not work anymore. It only plots the data of the last gear. I figured out, that in the first case matlab preprocesses the figure and then opens it. As soon as i add the cfit plot it directly opens the figure and changes it on evry loop as a consequence of which the gears overwrite themself on each repetition.
I tried various positions of my hold on and hold off comands but that doesn't change a thing. Also I tried refering to the axes in the plot line like:
subplot 211
hold on
ax1 = gca;
plot(ax1, x, y)
plot(ax1, fitresult_1, 'predobs')
hold off
Sadly the cff/plot does not support refering to a current axis.
Here are two examples of my plots:
As described i would like to have the fitted curve in the first plot.
Does anyone know a solution for this case?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Found a "workaround" by just adding one simple if condition.
fitresult_1 = fit (allGears, y, 'poly1') % allGears is a concatenated Vector of all gears
nameIndexGears = fieldnames(struct)
for i = 1:length(nameIndexGears)
subplot 211
hold on
plot(struct.(nameIndexGears{i}).data, y) %Plots the data of 4 gears in one subplot
if i== length(nameIndexGears)
plot(fitresult_1, 'predobs') % plots the fitresults with the predictionbounds
hold off
subplot 212
plot(a,b) % plots something else
Works perfectly.
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