MATLAB: How to plot 3 variables (3rd variable on the colorbar)


I have three variables (below). I wonder on how will I plot it to achieve something similar with the attached picture?
X = day in a year (1 to 365) –> in days
Y = time in a day (1 up to 24) –> in hours
Z = load data in kW say for example

Best Answer

That looks like a surf plot, using
to create a 2D plot from it.
How you plot it depends on how your data are organised. The surf function plots a matrix as the third argument, although the first two arguments can be vectors.
Your data are gridded. You can convert them into matrices needed for the surf function using the reshape (link) function, specifically:
D = xlsread('YourFile.xls'); % Use The Appropriate Function To Import Your Data
Xm = reshape(D(:,1), 24, []);
Ym = reshape(D(:,2), 24, []);
Zm = reshape(D(:,3), 24, []);
surf(Xm, Ym, Zm)
grid on