MATLAB: How to plot 2 vectors of different length

plotvectors different lengths

Hello everyone
It could be the question sounds stupid, but I have 32 data (which correspond to averages of 9 measurements) and I want to plot along aprox 50 days
(Because there weren´t measurements some days)
Anyone has an idea of how can I do that? I was thinking by scatter, but appears the same error (different lenghts)
Thank u

Best Answer

Without knowing any constraints you may have, try this:
data = rand(1, 32); % Create Data Vector
x = linspace(0, 50, numel(data)); % Create Independent Variable Vector
plot(x, data)
If your data were calculated with respect to specific days, use a vector of those days as ‘x’. So long as there are exactly 32 of them, you can easily plot them.