MATLAB: How to plot 2 different graphs at GUI

gui. plot.

Hello all, i am writing a code in GUI that by pushing a bottom, calculate some mathematic and plot a graph. Then, i need by these result, some other calculation done and another graph pupup without any pushing bottom. Could you please help me for second graph? Thanks a lot

Best Answer

function button1_callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
f2 = figure(2);
ax2 = axes('Parent', f2);
some_calculated_value = sum(randn(419, 392), 2); %calculate some mathematic
plot(some_calculated_value, 'Parent', ax2); %put up first graph
some_other_calculated_value = exp(-sqrt(some_calculated_value)); %some other mathematic
f3 = figure(3);
ax3 = axes('Parent', f3);
plot(some_other_calculated_value, 'Parent', ax3); %pop up another graph