MATLAB: How to plot 16 curves that are same y axis and different x axis on the same figure

more than 2 plots on a figure

Hi everybody,
As the title, has anybody experienced this matter? The 16 curves have different x axes. I've tried with the bottom, top, left and right sides of the axes but it seemed to work with 2 plots. Could someone give me some advice to make the the figure with 16 x axes at the bottom of the figure?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Best Answer

Nothing special, just mung on the axes position to shrink the height instead of width and instead of hiding the horizontal dimension of the additional axes, do so for on the vertical...
Basic idea is
hAx1=axes; % make first/main one
p1=get(hAx1,'position'); % get the position array
set(hAx1,'position',p1) % shrink the height by 25%
p2=p1; p2(2)=p2(2)+p2(4)+0.05; % new bottom based on size of first
p2(4)=eps; % new height is miniscule so doesn't show
hAx2=axes('position',p2,'color','none'); % second x-axis only shows
xlim(hAx2,[0 5]) % sample different scaling
More are just repetitions of the above basic idea...
NB: this way you plot into hAx1 but have to scale the x values from those of the alternate axes to the x-axis limits of it, not those of the alternative axes; they're just for show.
It would be nice if TMW would have a single axis object instead of only the axes combined object but they don't.