MATLAB: How to play Multiple Fixed-Wings UAV Animations in UAV animation block

Aerospace Toolboxfixed-wing uavmultiple uavsNavigation ToolboxRobotics System Toolboxsimulinkuav animationuav animation blockUAV Toolbox

Greeting everyone!!!
I am trying to simulate waypoint following of Multiple fixed-wings UAVs in UAV Animation block which I found from example "Tuning Waypoint Follower for Fixed-Wing UAV" which can be using following command:
this example shows way point following using single Fixed wing UAV having uav animation block…
for multiple UAVs i have duplicated the same model but with different waypoints and i want to simulate/animate this model…kindly guide how can i accomodate multple UAVs in single UAV animation block…

Best Answer

Hi Hussain,
The UAV Animation block can only visualize one UAV at a time. If you want to visualize multiple UAVs, consider create a MATLAB function block and use plotTransforms function to draw multiple UAVs. You would need to use coder.extrinsic('plotTransforms') to declare that the visualization code will be executed using MATLAB instead of code generation.
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