MATLAB: How to perform target-to-target Real-Time UDP communications, in xPC Target 5.1 (R2011b)

realreal timeSimulink Real-Timetargettarget-to-targettimetoudpxpc

I would like to see an example of how to perform target-to-target Real-Time UDP communications, using the xPC Target Real-Time UDP blocks.

Best Answer

There is no specific example of how to do this in the official documentation at this time.
Please see the attached resolution files, "dxpcUDP2Tgt1TxReal.mdl" and "dxpcUDP2Tgt2RxReal.mdl", for an example of target-to-target Real-Time UDP communications using the Real-Time UDP blockset from the xPC Target library. To use this example, it will be necessary to configure the Network Configuration and UDP Send/Receive blocks to be specific to the given hardware situation.
Make sure that the card that you specify for target-target real-time UDP is NOT the same card that is used for host-target communication. To determine which card is used for host-target communications, please do the following:
1) Execute the following command to get a list of all of the installed PCI devices on the target system:
2) Boot the target machine. When you first boot the machine, before you load a model, the target machine will display information that includes the PCI slot and bus number for the card that is being used for host-target communications. Make sure that you do NOT use this card for target-target UDP, use one of the other installed cards instead.