MATLAB: How to perform single cell array pairwise difference

cell arraysMATLAB

Hello everyone! I am working on cell array of size X x Y where X and Y will be variable and depends on the size of input image. Lets consider a case where X = 16 and Y = 16. I have one cell array variable and in each cell i have 1001 rows with first column simulation time and second column data. What i want is the following: I have to perform difference of two consecutive cells and store result in new cell. This new cell should have a sequence of differences.
New_Cell_Array{1,1} = Old_Cell_Array{1,1} - Old_Cell_Array{2,1};
New_Cell_Array{2,1} = Old_Cell_Array{3,1} - Old_Cell_Array{4,1};
and so on..
New_Cell_Array{X/2,1} = Old_Cell_Array{X-1,1} - Old_Cell_Array{X,1};
New_Cell_Array{X/2+1,1} = Old_Cell_Array{2,1} - Old_Cell_Array{3,1};
New_Cell_Array{X/2+2,1} = Old_Cell_Array{4,1} - Old_Cell_Array{5,1};
and so on..
New_Cell_Array{X-1,1} = Old_Cell_Array{14,1} - Old_Cell_Array{15,1};
Is there any way to perform this kind of operation on cell array. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

As per isakson's comment, it's fairly straightforward to do with a for loop.
You could also do it with cellfun, but be aware that due to the anonymous function call, it may not be faster than the explicit loop:
new_cell_array = cellfun(@(c1, c2) c1-c2, old_cell_array(1:2:end, :), old_cell_array(2:2:end, :), 'UniformOutput', false);
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