MATLAB: How to perform nonlinear statistical analysis, or nonlinear regression analysis, using the Statistics Toolbox

analysiscandohowinonlinearorregressionstatisticalStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

What functions are there in the Statistics Toolbox that I can use to perform nonlinear statistical analysis, or nonlinear regression analysis ?

Best Answer

The Statistics Toolbox has the following functions that support nonlinear fitting, prediction, confidence interval estimation, and multiple input interactive graphical exploration.:
nlinfit - Nonlinear least-squares fitting
nlintool - Prediction graph for nonlinear fits.
nlparci - Confidence intervals on parameters.
nlpredci - Confidence intervals for prediction.
nnls - Nonnegative least squares (in MATLAB).
treefit - Fit a tree-based model for classification or regression.
treeprune - Produce a sequence of subtrees by pruning.
treedisp - Show classification or regression tree graphically.
treetest - Compute error rate for tree.
treeval - Compute fitted value for decision tree applied to data.
For earlier versions, review the Nonlinear Models section of "help stats". You can find more information on the Statistics Toolbox, including a free trial version, at the following URL:
You can also use the Curve Fitting Toolbox or the Optimization Toolbox for Nonlinear Analysis. For more information, see the following URL:
(See the NonLinear Curve Fitting section)