MATLAB: How to perform bitwise xor operation for audio scrambling?

audiodwtscramblingWavelet Toolbox

I using DWT and make scrambling for mono type audio. In my research, i need to use bit wise xor function for audio coefficients and keys. First, I change the format of audio coefficients from negative float value to 64 bit binary value using "c=num2bin(q,c)" where q is quantizer and c is audio coefficients. The problem is i can't xor with audio coefficients and key. This error occur " Undefined function 'bitxor' for input arguments of type'char'. " How should I continue to get audio scrambled value?? PFA for errors
I would be grateful if someone help me in this matter 🙂

Best Answer

Subtract '0' (the character for the digit 0) from the char to get the numeric values.
However, in your previous post on this topic, it was recommended that you use other approaches: in particular typecast to uint64 and then bitget().