MATLAB: How to pause the executable of a model built using Real-Time Workshop 7.3 (R2009a)

exehaltsimulink coder

I have built an executable file using the Real-Time Workshop GRT target. I want to be able to pause the model at a particular simulation time. I am wondering how this can be done.

Best Answer

To pause the model executable one has to alter the main function in grt_main.c.
In the main function, there is a 'while' loop which calls rt_OneStep at every step of the model execution. To pause the executable at a particular time, query the current sample time and insert a conditional sleep/pause before the call to rt_OneStep.
For example, insert the following code fragment in grt_main.c before the call to rt_OneStep in the main function:
curr_time = rtmGetT(S);
if (curr_time == 5)