MATLAB: How to pass message box value to the text box

message boxtext box

In my matlab application it run a .m file using matlab gui. that application gives the ouput in messagebox as "belongs to class 1,..". I want to pass this value to a text box in matlab gui. Please can you explain how can I do it?

Best Answer

If I understand you correctly, you want to extract the text from a message box and copy it to a text box in your GUI.
Step 1: Copy the message box string.
mh = msgbox('Copy this text.'); %Create a message box
th = findall(mh, 'Type', 'Text'); %Get the handle to the text within the box
msgString = th.String{:}; %Copy the string
Step 2: put the string in your your text box
The handle to you text box in this example is h.text1.
h.text1.String = msgString;