MATLAB: How to pass Matlab workspace variable into system command

systemworkspace variable

I am using a program (wgrib) which is used to read .grb file and it runs in linux environment. This program required filename to read it. Now I want to use this programm using 'system' command in matlab. It works fine when I give the name of file but fails to execute when I give the variable which contains several file name. For ex. it works fine when I use
[u v]=system('wgrib xyz.grb') where wgrib is programm and xyz.grb is file name
But when I give it like
[u v]=system('wgrib filename')
where filename is a matlab variable which contains file name (i.e. xyz,grb), it does not execute and says didn't find file.
Can anyone suggest how to pass matlab variable in system command.

Best Answer

[u v] = system(['wgrib ', filename])