MATLAB: How to pass a anonymous function as an output to another function

function handlepassing function as an output to another function

function [a0,a1,a2]= fcn(s,v,a,T)
%a0,a1,a2 are coefficients of a polynomial which are calculated based on inputs s,v,a,T

The above function returns coefficients. The polynomial g(t) needs be calculated at time t =T , based on equation g(t) = a0 + a1* t^2+ a2* t^3.
for doing this I have added the following lines to the function above
function [a0,a1,a2]= fcn(s,v,a,T)
%a0,a1,a2 are coefficients of a polynomial which are calculated based on inputs s,v,a,T
g = @(T)
a2*T^2 + a1*T + a0
But I am unable to pass g(t) as output to the function fcn as shown below:
function [a0,a1,a2,g(t)]= fcn(s,v,a,T)
%a0,a1,a2 are coefficients of a polynomial which are calculated based on inputs s,v,a,T
g = @(T)
a2*T^2 + a1*T + a0
Looks likes I am not allowed to do that . I would like to know how this can be achieved
Note: If I just use g in the output array, it doesn't return the g(T) value instead it returns a2*T^2 + a1*T + a0 because g is a function handle.

Best Answer

"Looks likes I am not allowed to do that . I would like to know how this can be achieved"
Your attempted code has several bugs in it, e.g.:
  • g(t) is not a valid output argument.
  • g = @(T) is not a valid anonymous function.
  • you do not define the output arguments a0,a1,a2.
  • a2*T^2 + a1*T + a0 is not assigned to anything, so its result is discarded.
  • a2*T^2 + a1*T + a0 is not "...based on equation g(t) = a0 + a1* t^2+ a2* t^3."
  • probably others, I gave up checking at that point.
A function handle is a variable just like any other, it can be returned just like any other variable, e.g.
function out = myfun()
out = @sin;
and tested:
>> f = myfun();
>> f(pi/2)
ans = 1
"The polynomial g(t) needs be calculated at time t =T , based on equation g(t) = a0 + a1* t^2+ a2* t^3."
For that you do not need to return a function handle. you can just calculate the value directly and return that:
function g = fcn(s,v,a,t)
a0 = ..;
a1 = ..;
a2 = ..;
g = a0 + a1.*t.^2+ a2.*t.^3;
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