MATLAB: How to pass 2-D meshgridded var into a 3-D matrix

for loopmesh

I need to pass X and Y which are 2-D meshgridded matrices into c the 3-D matrix. where k is a constant and zv is a vector.
Here is my try:
for i = 1:M

Best Answer

Step 1: permute your vector so that it is along the 3rd dimension:
zv = permute(zv, [3 2 1]); %if zv is a column vector (M x 1)
zv = permute(zv, [1 3 2]); %if zv is a row vector (1 x M)
Step 2: No need for loop, use memberwise operation + implicit expansion (if on R2016b or later):
c = exp(1j*k./(2*zv)) .* (X2.^2 + Y2.^2));
If on version < R2016b:
c = bsxfun(@times, exp(1j*k./(2*zv)), (X2.^2 + Y2.^2));