MATLAB: How to partially multiply two diffferent dimention matrix

matricesmatrix arraymatrix manipulation

A[1,2500] and B[500,1]. how can i multiply 500 form A with B and then Skip 250 positions from A And multiply with B. e.g.., A[1 to 500]*B => store then A[250 to 750] * B=> store ,like wise

Best Answer

This works:
A = randi(9, 1, 2500); % Create Data

B = randi(9, 500, 1); % Create Data
for k1 = 1:2
Result{k1} = bsxfun(@times, A(1, (1:500)+(k1-1)*250), B);
It produces (500x500) matrices. If you what a different result, I need to know what output you want. It will be easy to change my code to produce it.