MATLAB: How to parse variables independent of order


I am currently opening a file and parsing arguments in the following way:
ReadParam = 'h0 = %f f0 = %f';
fid = fopen(file);
params = textscan(fid, readParam, 'Delimiter', '\n');
h0 = params{1};
f0 = params{2};
However, this method assumes a specific order to h0 and f0, by the way readParam and params are defined. How would I parse the argument in such a way that order doesn't matter? This is because in "file", they can be switched (and there are more variables, this is just an example). Thanks!

Best Answer

It would help most if you uploaded a sample file, so we have something to work with. But here is a simple working example of how to read a file matching your description (you did not upload a sample data file, so I had to create my own test file (attached)) and convert its contents into a structure. Then the order of the contents is irrelevant:
fmt = '%s%f';
opt = {'Delimiter','='};
[fid,msg] = fopen('temp2.txt','rt');
C = textscan(fid,fmt,opt{:});
D = [strtrim(C{1}),num2cell(C{2})].';
S = struct(D{:});
>> S.h0
ans = 1.2300
>> S.f0
ans = 4.5600
>> S.z
ans = 6.7890
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