MATLAB: How to overcome this error

error identifying

Actually,i am supposed to Vary the capacitance value from 10 μF to 50 μF with an interval of 10 μF and Plot and clearly indicate each resultant voltage across the resistor on the same figure; but i got a error which i cannot solve it. here is my codes:
t = 0:0.0001:0.07;
C = 10e-6:10e-6:50e-6;
if true
% code
v0 = input('please Enter the value for v0:');
R = input('please Enter the value for resistance:');
C = input('please Enter the value for capacitacne:');
f = input('please Enter the value for frequency:');
m = length(t);
state = 'on';
for A = 1:m
for n = 1:5
vs(A,n) = v0 * sin(2*pi*f*t(A));
switch state
case 'on'
vR(A,n) = vs(A,n);
iR = vR(A,n)/R;
iC = 2*pi*f*C(n)*v0*cos(2*pi*f*t(A));
I = iC + iR;
if I<=0
state = 'off';
tA = t(A);
case 'off'
vR(A,n) = v0*sin(2*pi*f*tA)*exp(-(t(A)-tA)/(R * C(n)));
if vs(A,n) >= vR(A,n)
state = 'on';
plot (t,vs,':',t,vR,'k')
**here is the error:
??? Attempted to access C(2); index out of bounds because numel(C)=1.
Error in ==> untitled2 at 18 iC = 2*pi*f*C(n)*v0*cos(2*pi*f*t(A));****
*thank you***

Best Answer

At first you define C as a vector:
C = 10e-6:10e-6:50e-6;
But afterwards you overwrite it most likely by a scalar:
C = input('please Enter the value for capacitacne:');
Therefore C is a scalar and C(n) must fail for n=2.
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