MATLAB: How to output an array (with column, row headers) as an image

MATLABsave a tablesave a table as an imagesave an image of a tablesave tablesaving a tabletable as imagetable outputtable to image

This is a very basic question, but one I can't seem to figure out on my own.
I have a 5×6 array of data that I'd like to output as a table. I would like this table to be in the form of an an image file, I.e. a pdf, png etc. with row names, column names, and my data in the table. I don't want to output this as a text file, because I want to output this as a figure to be placed in a paper.
It may seem like this is something that I should simply enter manually into a table in Word (or similar), but the particular data changes frequently, and I'd like this process to be automated.
But I can't seem to save this as a PDF (perhaps I'm simply doing something wrong), and the program seems to be written for LaTex, which I do not use.
Any help appreciated. Best, Jonathan

Best Answer

Use uitable() to create the table with appropriate headers. Set the 'data' property of the uitable() to a cell array of the values. For example if the values are stored in an array, then
set(handle_of_control, 'data', num2cell(YourArray));
Once you are done, use getframe() to record the table as an image data array, after which you can imwrite() as an image file.