MATLAB: How to output a vector, when removing duplicates from a vector

for loopvectors

Hello, could someone help me with this question (it's just a practice problem for a test, not graded) I'd appreciate the help on this question, but instead of outputing the length, how could I output a vector of those numbers?
Given a sorted vector/array, write a function removeDuplicates in place such that each element in the array appears only onceand return the new length.
You cannot allocate extra space for another vector/array. The removal of elements should be done in place with constant memory.
For example, Given an input array vec = [4 5 5], your function should return 2.
my code:
function vec = removeDuplicates(n) h = zeros(1,numel(n)); for i = 1:numel(n)-1 for j = (i+1):numel(n) if n(j)==n(i) h(j)=1; end end end n(h==1)=[]; vec = numel(n); end

Best Answer

The length:
Just the numbers: