MATLAB: How to orient a text arrow

text to plots

I am making a figure and added the x, y, z axes with labels for positve/negative x, y, and z using text(x,y,z,'leftarrow'). It looks good for the z-axis, but needs to be rotated for the xa and y axes. Is there a way to make an arrow that goes up and to the left (i.e. does something like 'leftuparrow' exist)?

Best Answer

You can specify the start and end of the arrow, as well as the type of arrow using an annotation.
It'll look something like:
x = [.2 .6];
y = [.1 .5];
which draws a text arrow from the point (.2*x axis range, .1*y axis range) to (.6*x axis range, .5*y axis range).
Hope this helps!
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