MATLAB: How to order vertices of a flat convex polygon in 3d space along the edge


I have a list of xyz-coordinates which build a flat polygon and i need to order them clockwise or counterclockwise. Its not important which direction it is though. I tried to use the atan2() function by calculating rays from the center of the polygon but it fails if the polygon is close to vertical. I would like to implement an approach which works without exceptions. Here is an example of 5 points.
-2.6055 1.1850 0.0880
-2.6320 1.1700 -0.0593
-2.3126 1.2170 -0.4326
-2.1860 1.2672 0.3596
-1.6203 1.4446 -0.0687
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

xyz =[...
-2.6055 1.1850 0.0880;
-2.6320 1.1700 -0.0593;
-2.3126 1.2170 -0.4326;
-2.1860 1.2672 0.3596;
-1.6203 1.4446 -0.0687 ];
xyzc = mean(xyz,1);
P = xyz - xyzc;
[~,~,V] = svd(P,0);
[~,is] = sort(atan2(P*V(:,1),P*V(:,2)));
xyz = xyz(is([1:end 1]),:);
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