MATLAB: How to optmize this function:


I would like to do the optimization of a function that returns me a value(time). The idea is use different values of the inputs (i1,i2,i3,i4)and analyze all the times obtained. The optimal result will be the one that returns lowest time.
function [time]=function1(i1,i2,i3,i4)
How can I do this optimization with the fmincon (or another matlab function) to optimize this process, in order to avoid doing:
for i1=1 to 100 for i2=1 to 100 for i3=1 to 100 for i4=1 to 100 time=function1(i1,i2,i3,i4) […] end end end end
Thank you

Best Answer

Since you don't mention any constraints, FMINUNC might be more appropriate. You need an initial guess of the parameters
and you would then do
x=fminunc(@(x) function1(x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4)), x0 );
Of course, fminunc has many different parameters and options you can set, which are discussed in the documentation.
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