MATLAB: How to optimize the multiplication of large matrices in Matlab

matrix multiplicationsparse

I have 2 matrices A, B, and vector C that I need to multiply. They are fairly large.
Matrix A = 10000×10000
Matrix B = 10000×10000
Vector C = 10000×1
If I perform A*B*C, this takes a long time so I used sparse function which collapses the matrices/vectors by removing large number of zeros then I convert it back to a full matrix.
It's faster but I was wondering if there are more efficient techniques for multiplying them together. Would it be better to write for loops?
Secondly, some of the elements in my matrix have values close to zero so I can replace these with zeroes before converting them to sparse matrices. What's the best way to do this?

Best Answer

Force the matrix-vector multipy to happen first. E.g.,