MATLAB: How to open the Code Generation Report after it’s been closed

code generation reportEmbedded Codersimulinksimulink coder

I generate the C code using ctrl-B and the Code Generation Report opens. I can see all the *.css, *.html, and *.js files under the folder model_grt_rtw/html.
Is there a way to reopen the code generation report again without regenerating all the code? I'd like to save the report as part of the documentation for the project for other users to read.

Best Answer

If your model is xyz.mdl In the html folder there is a file called xyx_codegen_rpt.html. You can open this file.
The second method is in Model Explorer in Model Hierarchy view, Under your model there is Model Workspace and below -> Code for xyx. By clicking this you can see the HTML report option in Contents of xyz/Code. Hope this is what you required.