MATLAB: How to open csv file

csvimporting excel data

I am needing to loop through a whole folder of files, but I am struggling to figure out how to read/open the csv files once I have gotten this far:
% This counts the number of files that will need to be looped through, so
% pick the folder with all of the data desired to be run
source_dir = uigetdir([]);
d = dir([source_dir, '\*.csv']);
z = length(d);
%Get information about what's inside your folder.
myfiles = dir(source_dir);
%Get the filenames and folders of all files and folders inside the folder
%of your choice.
filenames = {myfiles(:).name}';
filefolders = {myfiles(:).folder}';
%Get only those files that have a csv extension and their corresponding
csvfiles = filenames(endsWith(filenames,'.csv'));
csvfolders = filefolders(endsWith(filenames,'.csv'));
%Make a cell array of strings containing the full file locations of the
files = fullfile(csvfolders,csvfiles);
Filenames = string(filenames);
Filefolders = string(filefolders);

Best Answer

Have you tried the csvread() command?