MATLAB: How to open csv and plot contour data

contour plotcsv open

I have a large .csv data file from a measurement sensor, i want to open the file and plot the data using Matlab. The data is in contour format, such that each row is a line scan of (X) points. At the start and end of each line (row) there are "junk" values of -999.999 where nothing was measured i'd like to filter these values out also.
I'm a newb to this so any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You can probably just use the contour (link) function.
D = rand(100);
To eliminate the ‘-999.999’ values, replace them with NaN values, since those will not be plotted (and likely will appear a white blank areas).
D = rand(100);
D(5:10,10:20) = -999.999;
D(D == -999.999) = NaN;