MATLAB: How to open a headerless wav file

audioreadfftfile typeMATLABplot

I have some files here, which have a special file format, but are actually just headerless wav files with a sample rate of 16000.
I wanted to do some fft plotting of the wav file like so
However, I get the The file type is not supported message.
Is there a way to open those files or do I have to save them was wav files first?
To clearify, the files mentioned are indeed raw binaries. As I haven't recorded those datas myself, I can only guess about the internal structure. I can analyze the file just fine with these import settings in Wavesurfer:
Sample rate: 16kHz
Encoding: Lin16
Channels: Mono
Byte Order: Little Endian
Read Offset: 0
Frequency: It will probably be something between 0-8kHz, since I was suppose to sample with 16kHz (right?)

Best Answer

You use fopen() to open them, and fread() to read them, and you apply your knowledge of the internal structure of .wav files to decode what you read in.
But you will likely find it to be much less coding to write out a temporary copy of the file with the missing header pre-pended and use audioread() on the result.
Your you sure they are in .wav format, and not raw binary data ?