MATLAB: How to open a file from the previous folder


Hello, I have a folder hierarchy like the one in the image, I'm running a script from folder B and what I want is to open an image that is in folder C, but the path to it can change, that is, I want the code to be the same regardless of whether the folder A is on the desktop or in my documents for example.
Does anyone know how to program that?

Best Answer

Alajendro - you should be able to use pwd to determine the current folder, and then "navigate" up one directory to A and then down one to C. I'm assuming that you know the name of folder C.
currentPath = pwd;
folderCName = 'someFolderName';
pathToFolderC = [pwd filesep '..' filesep folderCName filesep];
I had thought about using fullfile to build the pathToFolderC but (on my version of MATLAB),the '..' was not being included in the path.