MATLAB: How to open a file from different directories with a standalone application

opening file uigetfile fopen

I have a standalone exe made using MATLAB. This exe reads UFF files (not defined in MATLAB), and plots them.
Problem is:
This exe can only open UFF files located in the same directory of exe. When I try to open an UFF file in different folder (say C:\folder\testing.UFF)**, it only gets the filename (I use uigetfile) and plots nothing – reads noting. (Because there is no file with that name (testing.UFF) in the exe's location.)
I want to read that file, whereever it is!

Best Answer

folder = 'C:\folder\';
baseFileName = 'testing.UFF';
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);
if exist(fullFileName)
% Open the file however you do
% File does not exist.
warningMessage = sprintf('%s does not exist', fullFileName);