MATLAB: How to obtain y value when x and z are given in matlab 3D plots

3d plotscurve fittingMATLAB

I have a 3D plot as shown in the attachment. You can see a data point x=0.25, y=2.25, z=0.27599 in the first curve. I want to find the corresponding y point of the second curve, when z=0.27599 and, x=0.50(second curve) for the second curve are given. Similar way I want to find the corresponding y point when z=0.27599 in the third curve and so on.
Your kind help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

First, it is suggested to obtain the 2D plot.
Then use this function. InterX
P = InterX([P2S;phiS],[P2S;Y]);
plot(P2S,phiS,P2S,Y,P(1,:),P(2,:),'ro'); grid on;xlabel('P2');ylabel('Phi'); hold on;