MATLAB: How to obtain the mean for single variable/location of a multiple 3d .mat file

.mat file3dmean

i have 240 files of 3dimension .mat files with 140x122x118
i have obtain the mean of these files using this method (credits to matlab community):
totalfile = numel(files);
C = cell(1,totalfile);
for a = 1:totalfile
T = load(files(a).name)
C(a) = struct2cell(T);
M = cat(4,C{:})
M(isnan(M))=0 % replace NaN to 0
ave = mean(M,4) % mean of the 4th dimension
how do i obtain the mean of a single location/variable from all these 240 files, eg: location{100,10,50} ?
thank you

Best Answer

Something like this
totalfile = numel(files);
V = zeros(1,totalfile);
for a = 1:totalfile
T = load(files(a).name)
C = struct2cell(T);
V(a) = C{1}(100,10,50)
V(isnan(V))=0 % replace NaN to 0
ave = mean(V)