MATLAB: How to obtain the Jacobian matrix (or co-variance matrix) from a multi- or global-search


Using lsqnonlin for non-linear fitting, you can obtain Jacobian matrix in the output:
[x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda,jacobian] = lsqnonlin(___)
I however used multistart with lsqnonlin to avoid local minima. On contrary, the command run which is needed to do a multisearch with lsqnonlin (see here ) dos not provide Jacobian as an output. Any suggestion how can I get it? I need it to determine the confidence intervals for the estimated parameters.

Best Answer

Once you have the solution xsol using multistart, just run lsqnonin without multistart and with xsol as the initial guess. If xsol was a solution, it should stop in a single iteration (or you can force it to) and the output should be the finite difference Jacobian at that point.