MATLAB: How to obtain the detailed function of NLARX model

system identificationSystem Identification Toolbox

Hi all
With the experimental data, I identified an nlarx model.
However, I would like to know the detailed function of this nlarx model.
The present of the model only gave following information.
IDNLARX model with 1 output and 2 inputs
Input names: u1, u2
Output name: y1
Standard regressors corresponding to the orders:
na = [2]
nb = [2 2]
nk = [0 0]
No custom regressor
Nonlinear regressors:
Nonlinearity estimator: wavenet with 1 unit
Loss function: 30.6431
Sampling interval: 1
Estimated model (NLARX)
How can I obtain this nlarx model with detailed expression?

Best Answer

I now found a way to obtain the expression of the identified nlarx model.
Assume the name of the identified model is m. Then we can try the following commands;
w=get(m,'Nonlinearity'); w.parameters;
The answer will give us the values of the coefficients of the nlarx model. The form with nonlinearity estimator of nlarx model can be found in the MatLab help file.
Here I would like to thank Dr. Piovoso. He helped to find these command.
I would like to thank Rajiv Singh as well. His answer helped me to know the nonlinear identification further.
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