MATLAB: How to obtain such a plot


I want to obtain the following plot.
I have 4 matrices I would say one for each line. In the matrices there are zeros and ones. Each matrix define a subset of the plane. They hinted me to use contourf command in MATLAB but I cannot obtain the exact result. First of all I tried to sum the matrices but then I understand that with this tecnique there will be two areas with the same values and so the same color. Then I tried with the hold on but since contourf plot has only colors with alpha = 1, it shows me only the last contourf plot and not the previuos ones.
My target is to replicate as near as I can the above plot in MATLAB. Any hits? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can set colors as wish...just need to scale the overlapping portions of the images to make them have different levels.
What is this a representation of, out of curiosity? Your data don't follow the pattern of the example exactly, but similar. This ends up with five unique areas by the automagic contour lines drawn...outside the upper right yellow region, that is.