MATLAB: How to obtain a header file with customized name on code generation from an enum defined in a script(.m) file in matlab

code generationsimulink

Hello, I am working on model based application development using Matlab Simulink. I have defined an enum in a script(.m file) in matlab. I am using the elements of the enum in a model as enumerated constants. Now, when I generate C code out of the model, I want the enum to be generated as a seperate header file(.h) with a particular name say abcd.h Does anybody know how to implement this? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can generated the enum definitions in the separate header file using HeaderFile and DataScope properties during the definition of enums in m file.
Simulink.defineIntEnumType(ClassName, CellOfEnums, IntValues, 'HeaderFile',... FileName, 'DataScope', 'Exported');