MATLAB: How to normalize the sine wave for the given code below

amplitude normalizationsine

I want to normalize the sine wave so that the amplitude is between 1 and -1.
fs = 48000;
N = 100000 ;
t = linspace(0,10,N); % seconds
period = 1;
amplitude = t;
y = (amplitude .* sin(2 * pi * t / period)); %sine wave
MaxNoise = 4 ;
Noise = linspace(MaxNoise,0,N) .* randn(1,N) ; % increasing noise
%z = flip(Noise); % decreasing noise
x = Noise + y ;
plot(t, x, 'b-', t, y, 'r-') ;
[frameval,k] = tonalframes(x, fs, 0.1);
title('Tonality Vs Time');

Best Answer

y_normalised = 2*(y - mean(y)) ./ range(y) ;
or set the amplitude to 1 instead of t when you create the sinewave?