MATLAB: How to normalise corresponding columns in several matrices to values between -1 and 1

-1 to 1columnmatricesmatrixnormalisation

I have several matrices, each with the same number of columns but with varying row sizes. Each matrix contains both positive and negative values. For grouping sake (because there are lots of matrices), each matrix is stored in a 2D cell array. A small example:
C1 C2 C3
Val1 6 7 1
Val2 3 9 -7
Val3 -12 -22 -4
C1 C2 C3
Val1 5 19 -2
Val2 4 21 9
Val3 -1 3 11
Val4 -30 13 7
Val5 3 -4 10
matrixStore{1,1} = Matrix1
matrixStore{1,2} = Matrix2
I am trying to normalise the values to a -1 to 1 range, in a column-wise, across-matrix manner. So, using the example, I would get max and min values for each column and put them in two vectors:
% C1: Max = 6, Min = -30
% C2: Max = 21, Min = -22
% C3: Max = 11, Min = -7
maxVals = [6, 21, 11];
minVals = [-30, -22, -7];
I already have code for creating the max and min vectors, but how do I now apply the max and min values to normalise each column for all matrices?

Best Answer

Having done some further searching, and posting on Stack Overflow, I have found the solution to my question here:
I checked my results using the answer given to this question: and found that they match.