MATLAB: How to mute the popup window, when I run neural network in code

Deep Learning Toolboxfeedforward neural networkfunctionneural networknewfftoolboxtrainrp

When I run neural red (in entrenament , exemple trainrp()) , popup window appears, I want to remove it, I think it increases the calculation time
the section the my code is
if true
% for t=1:1000
for i=1:22
net = newff(AA,BB(i,:),[8,4],{'tansig','logsig'});
net = trainrp(net,AA,BB(i,:)) ;
aa(i,:) = net(TARGET_2016);
ytp = aa(i,:) ;
error2(i) = nanmean(abs(ytp - MP25_2016(i,:)))/nanmean(MP25_2016(i,:));

Best Answer

%Before training:
net.trainParam.showWindow = 0;
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer