MATLAB: How to move an image into a cell


I built a 1*5 cell named N and need to copy an image (img)matrix into each entry in it what should I do? This is what I came up with but it doesn't work….
I'm trying to avoid for loops so my code will be faster.
function newImgs = imresizenew(img,scale) %scale is an array contains the scaling factors to be upplied originaly an entry in a 16*1 cell
N = (cell(length(scale)-1,1))'; %scale is a 1*6 vector array
N(:,:) = mat2cell(img,size(img),1); %Now every entry in N must contain img, but it fails
newImgs =cellfun(@imresize,N,scale,'UniformOutput', false); %newImgs must contain the new resized imgs

Best Answer

If I understood correctly,
function newImgs = imresizenew(img, scale)
newImgs = arrayfun(@(s) imresize(img, s), scale, 'UniformOutput', false);
Note that while more compact and more reliable than loops, arrayfun and cellfun are often slower (due to the extra cost of an anonymous function call). In any case, they're just loops in disguise, so using them "to avoid for loops so my code will be faster" won't work.
The loop equivalent:
function newImgs = imresizenew(img, scale)
newImgs = cell(size(scale));
for scaleiter = 1:numel(scale)
newImgs{scaleiter} = imresize(img, scale(scaleiter));