MATLAB: How to move all requirement links from the Simulink models to external files in Simulink Verification and Validation 3.0 (R2011b)

librarylinksmdlrefmodelmovereferencereqrequirementSimulink CheckSimulink Requirementsvnv

I would like to move the requirement links from several Simulink models. These models contain library links and I would like the library blocks that are referenced in my models to have their requirement links moved as well.
The models may also contain model references and these should also be processed for moving the requirement links to an external file.

Best Answer

It is possible to move the requirement links in a model to an external file in Simulink Verification and Validation 3.0 (R2011b) by using the Tools > Requirements > Move to file ... option. Programmatically you can accomplish the same with the RMIDATA.EXPORT command.
The file available below can be used to move the requirement links from several models at once and also the models and libraries that are referenced in these models.