MATLAB: How to modify the default junction size for the Stateflow Editor


I would like my Stateflow charts to have a default junction size that is different from the current defaults.

Best Answer

The ability to change the default junction size for the Stateflow Editor is not available in Stateflow since there are no chart- or machine-level properties controlling these. As a workaround, write functions to modify properties for objects created in MATLAB code as follows:
rt = sfroot;
m = rt.find('-isa','Stateflow.Machine','Name','un1');
chart = m.findDeep('Chart')
%get a handle to the junction
j = Stateflow.Junction(chart)
jp = j.Position
jp.Radius = 25 %Modify the Radius
For information on the default chart level properties that can be modified, refer to the solution linked below: