MATLAB: How to model nonlinearity in SimRF 4.0 (R2013a)

nonlinearRF Blockset

I would like to know how to model non-linear behavior in SimRF. In particular, I am interested in modeling the non-linear aspects of active devices such as Amplifiers and Mixers.

Best Answer

The Amplifier and Mixer blocks in SimRF offer the option to specify/model non-linear characteristics. In general, these blocks have a “Nonlinearity” or a “Nonlinearity Data” tab located under the Block Parameters dialog window:
The user can model the nonlinearity using either an Even & Odd order polynomial, or a polynomial with Even terms only. The available non-linear parameters will vary depending on which type of polynomial model is selected.
In general, the non-linear parameters available in SimRF follow the standard convention shown in the figure below:
For more information on the precise theoretical meaning of these parameters, please consult a standard RF reference.
For an example of modeling the non-linearity of an amplifier using these parameters, please see the following link:
Validating IP2/IP3 Using Complex Signals:
If you are using the Equivalent Baseband Amplifier/Mixer blocks, it is also possible to use data files to specify the non-linear aspects of the devices. Please see the following link for an example: